Blueprint Planning is a collaborative development consultancy. We work with likeminded industry professionals with a passion for good, cost effective design solutions. Here are a few projects we have been involved in:

Site Area: 728m2
Existing: 1 Dwelling
Proposed: 2 Dwellings
Approved 2019
The brief for this project was to fit two large family sized dwellings onto a challenging site near the Hauraki coast. Working closely with the designers from the outset, we used a duplex typology to maximise the potential of this uniquely shaped site.
Despite being located within a Mixed Housing Suburban Zone, we were able to achieve two storeys of living space and sub-basement double garaging for each dwelling by utilising the site slope. Proving that through clever design a third storey is achievable in the MHS Zone.
In association with IamDeveloper (designer)
Site Area: 5064m2
Existing: 3 Dwellings
Proposed: 31 Dwellings
Approved 2018
This project involved a large redevelopment across three sites. The development drew significant interest from local authority agencies and local councillors due to the interface with a large public park. Working closely with the project design team and council’s urban designers, engineers and landscape architects, we were able to successfully obtain consent for a mix of 31 dwellings in different typologies and sizes, providing a community feel through inclusive design and direct access to the large adjacent park.
In association with Ozac Architects (designer)

Site Area: 822m2
Existing: 1 Dwelling
Proposed: 3 Dwellings
Approved 2019
This tricky corner site proved to be an interesting challenge. This project involved the redevelopment of a 822m2 single dwelling site to provide three family sized dwellings. Once again, close collaboration with the design team from the outset enabled a quick turnaround of under two months from lodgement
In association with IamDeveloper (designer)
Site Area: 1244m2
Existing: 1 Dwelling
Proposed: 6 Dwellings
Approved 2017
The client for this project wanted to intensify land use but was unsure if this was achievable on their steeply sloping site. Working closely with the designers and transport consultants we used the topography of the land to our advantage. The designers created a concept for a staggered, terraced house typology to accommodate six family-sized dwellings. Acting as lead planners, we were able to obtain consent in just under two months from lodgement
In association with Ozac Architects (designer)

Site Area: 1567m2
Existing: 2 Dwellings
Proposed: 21 Units
Approved 2017
This project is an early example of utilising the Unitary Plan to maximise density and it involved a number of challenges from an urban design perspective. The brief was to convert two sites, each with a single dwelling in the Mixed Housing Urban Zone, to make way for a three storey apartment building. Using our experiences in urban intensification, we were able to negotiate with council planners and urban design specialists to understand our vision for the site to accommodate 22 residential units. Projects like this prove intensive developments within existing urbanised areas can yield positive results.
In association with Ozac Architects (designer)
Site Area: 1618m2
Existing: 2 Dwellings
Proposed: 23 Units
Approved 2017
This development is another example of maximising density in a low rise urban environment. It was an interesting development across two sites for a residential apartment building. The project presented some challenges for urban design matters, site contamination and a busy road/traffic interface. However, engaging in early discussions with council enabled us to obtain consent for 23 units of varying sizes.
In association with Ozac Architects (designer)

Site Area: 261m2
Existing: Vacant Site
Proposed: 1 Dwelling
Approved 2019
This project for a couple’s first family home had a specific design brief for their very narrow site. A number of standards were breached due to the nature of the narrow site and flooding issues. However, through establishing sound planning arguments and careful design, consent was obtained without compromising on the overall design brief.
In association MC2 Architects (designer)